it seems that i am alwayz the last to get something, aka facebook, blog etc etc. but now, here it is! i guess the O.P crew can now have a breather after continually trying to force me into this. i'm not really a writer, but i guess there's a first for everything and what best way to relieve stress than to write out everything on your mind. i wanna thank Matthew, Duy, Leo and Nam for forcing this on me cuz i'm sure i will be hooked on this from now on. blogging for everyone is different as Duis may have mentioned in his previous blog post. as for me, im pretty sure it will just be random events or thoughts of my dayz with my family and friends. now i will just make one thing clear in this first post of mine. from now on when i am referring to my friends in my blog posts, i will be using the following names: then blog skin wouldnt work o mannn, so now it`s the next day, and Yue figure it out for me! thanx a lot! and Nam also was rite away trying to help me as soon as he knew i had a problem!!! =) hmm i'm starting to think this post is a bit long no? maybe i should stop...dunno anything about lengths...anyhoooo craving bubbletea!!! maybe Namster u can get ur neighbour to give me some bubbletea =P
Duy---------------Duis [Anh Hai/Bro, etc etc. i remember Duy was taken for something so he needed another name for a game i think, but i couldnt think of one for him. haha he didnt like the ones i picked, and then he came up with Duis on his own. at first i thought it sounded weird...but now the name grew on me! XD]
Matthew---------Mahtiu [maybe sometimes Eeth/also Anh Hai; random: u have sooo many blogs!!! but i only know of one. anyhoo as Mahtiu alwayz says, Karaoke anyone?]
Nam--------------Namster [although everyone keeps nagging at me that it's Namstar...i'll let him decide that, although i kinda feel like a new name for him...]
Leo---------------Yue [i luv this name haha and unlike everyone else, its actually his name lolz!!! XD]
Wendy----------Joyce lolz just kidding [WendersSs or hmm...maybe i'll just change it each time lolz nice Viet straw hat btw, hope ur presentation goes well and hope the teacher doesn`t say: hey! that`s not from Hong Kong! haha XD]
Crystal----------...uh...i have yet to decide on one my love...any ideas guys? lemme know! ASAP! for now im gonna stick to Thao! haha her name means Green grass everyone! maybe i`ll start calling her GG!!! for Green Grass!!! lolz =) luv u GG =P
Vicky-----------Suki!!!!!!!!! love it love it!!!! [love Japanese names, and plus its similar...kinda...haha to her chinese name! i'm a genius! XD]
and...of course lots others like R.O.P.E! whom were my best friends during High School!
and also some friends from Sudbury as well where i am currently studying! aka Naadia, Kash and so on!
oh mannn, anyhoo. picking a blog skin is sooOoOOoOO incredibly, heart-wrenchingly DIFFICULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holyyy!!! i had no idea... lolz while ppl we're subbing on and off of the Mahjong aka MJ game, i was desperately trying to find a blog skin to my liking. and of course, when i found it, it was 3:00 am. WendersSs, Mahtiu and Namster went home already. Thank you Yue of course for alwayz being the driver! [i'll get my G1 soon!!! hahah btw got the book from C-town today and i`m currently studying it! although Yue keeps asking me questions like whats a stop sign?] and now, Duis and Yue are dead asleep and i'm here typing this thing haha. funny thing, duy was just telling me how he couldnt fall asleep, and then 2 seconds later, guess who's snoring while i'm typing this thing?!? hahah if u said Yue...well ur half rite! BOTH DUIS AND YUE SNORING!! this of course helps my writing ohh sooOoOO much haha jks jks! XD but seriously...2 seconds... o.O creepy much?
anyhooo, C-town with WendersSs, Duis and Yue was tres tres exciting! bought lots of food of course! this will definitely help my weight thing rite now...*glares at Mahtiu*
soo probably not seeing Namster and Mahtiu today... *tear* well u guys r soooo coming swimming with me friday!!!!!!! MUAHAHHA FUN FUN FUN IT SHALL BE!!!!!!!!!!! =)
soooOoOOo what do u think O.P? my blog ok? haha XD
I win. You lose, finally got a blogger.
By Matthew Diep, at April 29, 2008 at 11:40 p.m.
ahha phuc-an.. nice.. LONG blog.. goshhh T_T LOL jksjks it was a good one for a first one (: exciting no? ahha have fun writing the rest! and keep me posted! :D
By Unknown, at April 29, 2008 at 11:47 p.m.
ps. love the skin (: very pretty~
By Unknown, at April 29, 2008 at 11:48 p.m.
Not long enough !
By Duis, at April 30, 2008 at 9:18 a.m.
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