Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May Ka's B-Day!>

Ok! sooOOOoO Mayka's B-Day was May 5th! and she went to the CN Tower with all her friends all day long. and apparently the glass floor was REALLY REALLY scary! now, here's the irony. Mayka and all her friends are pretty much new to Canada. Thus, they were not born in Canada but those of us who are...i am referring to O.P crew. uhhh we haven't gone to the CN Tower yet... we suck i know... haha OhhH waitt i think Yue (Leo) has been to the CN Tower, but wait..haha he's not even born here either. so thus, i believe that one day, we should all go to the CN Tower just to be able to say that yes, we live in Toronto and yes, we've been to the CN Tower!

Ok, so enough of CN Tower talk. nowww, when she came back, she asked me to go to chinatown with her but i was lazy so i said no... but buttt later that day, in comes strolling Mahtiu, Namster, and Yue! and guess what? they say, "Let's go to C-Town!" well not Yue, he wanted to go home. so then Nam goes and asked Mayka to go to C-Town and she goes "ummm uhhh hmm" and then Namster says "it'll just be me and Mahtiu!" and then Mayka goes "oh No then! hahaha ownnneddd! lolz but then me and Duy decide to join so then Mayka decides to go too! haha okk so now all of us wants to go C-Town, except of course, Yue. He decides he's gonna be cool and go home. hahah, well it was to wash his car which, yes, really did need some washing lolz. so we're all u know trying to threaten him and stuff to come with us and drive us too. but he refuses and refuses and refuses.
and then! haha smart Mayka goes "'s my B-day..." ahahahaa GENIUS! and i think Namster helped with that lolz.

So here we all are now in Yue's car driving =) taking random pics, and then Mahtiu and Namstar get off to go photocopy for their MN Tutoring program! (good luck!) and then the rest of us off. we park, duy buys sugarcane juice! yummy! and then we all eat at Com Tam Dao Vien. Now, we heard it was good. Mahtiu knows previous owner of the place before that, but uhhh it was terrible. hahah. its okk though, we had a good time and experience lolz lots of memories!

and then the point of us going to C-Town, was to buy fruits, but it was all close by the time we were done eating. as for Duy, he wanted some keyboard and mouse but that was closed to. and Mayka just wanted to hang out, so she got what she wanted lolz.

ohhh did i mention the night before Me, Duis, Mayka and TJ went to go see Iron Man! SoooOOoo gooood! and of course i was first to say Happy Birthday to Mayka!
but we missed the little bit after credits...didnt know there was another part...*cries*

Anyhooo, cant believe ur 21 now Mayka!!! hope u had a wonderful B-Day!!!!! =)

* i guess May B-Day bash is NEXT! XD *