Tuesday, July 1, 2008

new love.>

omg. i have a new love.
well many new lovers.
and they are from Super Junior! also known as Suju!!!

at first i was like. what the? 13 ppl in a group?
insane and bad idea. butttt now i take it back.
hahah a lot of them are really cute! lolz
i'm in love with like 5 of them! haha XD
of course this photo is only 10 of them but its ok! XD
heheh. and i've been watching on Youtube "Exploration of the Human Body" with Suju!
they are awesomeee and sooo funny. every episode makes me literally LMAO! haha
u guys should watch! from the beginning.
of course, this is when u have time. i see everyone's busy these dayz.
thats why no one updates. no time rite?
i know.
well, i hope everyone's lives are going great! i miss u all!
and Happy Canada Day! (please dont cry cuz i'm not there with u)
haha soooOOoOo, i'm not sure what i'm writing this blog for.
oh well, i wish u all a happy happy day!
i leave u with a little comic. good bye! XD