Thursday, August 28, 2008


there's a lot of things i wish and hope that i can change.
lets start from the basics.

well it'll always be a part of me but i am starting to improve on it.
i started packing my things since there is sooOoOo many like 2-3 dayz ago. improvement? yess indeeed. last year i packed the night before pretty much. and i got screwed over. no sleep. stress. and i was forgetting things. haha anyhooo, i have too much stuff.

ok next.
Obviously u all know about my sleep problem haha. i mean. i wake up to u guys already in my room/duy's room and on the computer or playing games. haha. and u also used to like try soooo hard to wake me up. lolz i mean, i never even realized when u all entered the house but u all know how to enter my house. haha XD
sooo this morning. i woke up at 10:30! YA? YA? improvement?!!? uh huh! DEFINITELY!

So i'm on a roll. i hope i can keep all this up.

bad news though. i'm gonna inform u guys now and not have u guys figure it out later on and like yell at me or what not.
k so like school.
u all know how i failed physics right? like the first one. i passed the second one. but anyhoo. phys 1006 which i'll just call it phys I so u can easier understand. anywayz. i failed that. and now i'm taking it distance from Athabasca University. But its a special school thing and so the course doesn't end till October 31st. so in the fall there are lots of courses i cannot take since it is the prerequisite and i wouldnt have had it yet.

so now my advisor lady told me that she wants me to retake some courses to improve my mark. O.O [oh dear] i did originally plan to stay back a year because there's too many things going on and i'm booked all through 4 years even in the summers and so its sooo much. but now this is really something.

personally, i dont really have a problem with it. i'll do what she tells me. and i'll improve my mark. and then i'll move on when its time to for me. i guess everyone goes at their own pace rite? hope u guys understand.

but aside from all that. AHHHH NAMSTAR!!! why isnt We Got Married back yet!!! AHHHHH i'm dyingggg. been SOooOoOo longggggggg! wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

ok. i'm done. haha. time to pack. and clear my mind. mannn MJ would be awesome about now. hey Yue! think i can borrow MJ to Sudbury?! or will u guys be using it?

oh and for those who don't know the day. i'm leaving the morning of sunday the 31st of August! i think i'm going to eat at Springrolls friday night with Matthew! anyone care to join?!?! XD