Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Start Blogging again!>

alrite. so.
i am blogging today, to tell everyone else to start blogging again!

yes. me myself have not blogged in ages.
since like september. wow.

but still!
no excuses, u guys should still be blogging!
the only person i see blogging is Suki, aka Vicky!

p.s. whoever does not know her blog yet, it is: http://www.theblogofvickys.blogspot.com/

alrite now. i check blogs very often to see if anyone blogs. but never do i see any new blogs. except Suki's of course. anyhoo.
i will try to start again. and so will u guys!

ok so yes. i am lazy because i check all of ur blogs all the time but i never blog myself. true.
but same to u guys!
if ur reading this rite at this moment that means ur a lazy bum as well! and dont think otherwise! haha
start blogging losers!!!

psh. reading my blog but not blogging urself. pshhh. haha lolz =]

alrite. here's the breakdown.
i'm putting in order when u all stopped blogging.
if ur at the top of the list. good job.
u get a cookie.
unfortunately i'm in Sudbury. so. no. u don't get a cookie.
next. if u near the middle. consider urself lucky.
now. if ur at the bottom of the list.
be ashamed! ashamed!!!!! thats rite! haha

k. here's my list:

Wed Nov 5 - Vicky
Sun Oct 12 - WendersSs
Wed Oct 8 - Myat
Fri Sep 26 - Duis
Sun Sep 21 - Namstar
Sat Sep 20 - Elle
Mon Sep 15 - Ann-Tan...but im bloggin now so ha!
Wed Sep 3 - Bi
Sun July 27 - Matt
Sun July 20 - TJ

p.s. Yue's only said Thursday. i dont know date. lolz

anyhoooo love u guys. miss u lots. but i cant be home till near the end of December. cries. buy me my Christmas gifts! lolz just kidding! haha XD
anyhooo, time for Guilty Gear 2 WOO! good bye my friends! ^^